‘My PESP – Enabling People, Empowering Lives, Fulfilling Choice & Positive Outcomes’
Welcome to My Personal Enablement Support Partnership CIC.
‘My PESP – Enabling People, Empowering Lives, Fulfilling Choice & Positive Outcomes’
Our services and Direct Support Service options
Truly Person Centred and Family Centred Partnerships around each person we support with a Learning Disability, ASD and other complex needs
My Personal Enablement Support Partnership CIC (My PESP) is providing care and support in a different way. The work we do as a Not-For-Profit Social Enterprise is aimed at providing the highest quality support to people with a Learning Disability.
We do this with our social impact and social vision.
We are leading local quality support, providing support, networking, training, managing, pioneering and championing the best care using EB-PBSS (Empathy-Based Positive Behavioural Stress Support) and innovative care standards.
The people we support run the 'Direct Support Service' - My PESP is their's. Our other service are run to improve standards and lives overall!
Direct Support Services - 'What's a My PESP?'
Each person we support will have their own My PESP. Their own partnership around them.
This has them at the centre with their own budget, resources, people, workforce/PEP's (Personal Enablement Partners), family, accommodation and friends. This PESP is designed to meet their needs and provide them with enablement opportunities to have the best progressive Quality of Life. We do this from the foundations of Positive Behavioural Support. This is our direct care - either Supported Living, Outreach, Personal Assistant's or Leadership and management.
Outreach Support Services
Supporting people in their own homes to live their own lives - with the family. The My PESP is set up to meet whatever needs the family and individual has. Can include management support, health partnership, coordination of behaviours and PBS specialist systems...the list goes on and on.
Personal Assistants - from direct support to management support of the overall package
We can provide Personal Assistants to support someone in their own home. We can also provide overall PA management and recruitment of PA's.
Supported Living Services
We can work with local landlords or families to get properties and set up networks to manage properties for complete Supported Living Services. Right of tenure is vital and a home that is their's. People need environments that are built around them. Our supported Living Services can do that!
CQC's view on us
We were inspected in Febuary 2020. Our report is here and we were rated Good in all areas.
Ena-QoL & EB-PBSS team
We build great worlds and outstanding settings, workers and support that truly meets needs
We then develop the person to become the best version of themselves. This includes enablement and improving Quality of Life to enable the person to have a personalised and wonderful life.
We call this process Ena-QoL and it involves a person centred approach that includes assessments of QoL and a focus on adding to the persons world, skills, gratification and reducing distress and complex emotions
"Social Impact
Leading local EB-PBSS (Empathy-Based Positive Behavioural Stress Support)and quality support and housing towards a better quality of life for people and their family with Learning Disabilities, Autism, Complex needs and Challenging behaviours.
Ultimate Social Aim
The entire local Learning Disabilities, Autism, Complex needs and Challenging behaviours population to be enabled to have outstanding, progressive and personalised quality of life with reduced challenging behaviours for people and their families. My PESP to become a hub of excellence for East Sussex."
Luke Watts
Contact My Personal Enablement Support Partnership CIC
The Watson Room, St Elizabeth Church, 268 Victoria Drive, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 3QX